- Details
- Written by Rick McDonald
- Category: Raiding
- Hits: 23399
Raids are complex activities, usually involving twenty or more people. We use the following addons and communication tools to manage this complexity, improving our ability to kill bosses and increasing everyone's level of enjoyment. Please have the following ready to go before each raid begins.
Addon | Description |
Deadly Boss Mods or Big Wigs | Provides raid mechanics assistance and timers |
GTFO | Standing in fire warnings |
Details or Recount or Skada | Damage and healing meters |
RCLootCouncil | Raid rolls on donated personal loot |
Angry Assignments | Raid strategy notes |
- Discord : Voice and text chat
- Join our server here.
- Flasks
- Potions (health/mana/stats)
- Food (for buffs)
- Details
- Written by Rick McDonald
- Category: Raiding
- Hits: 12296
Casual Raid
- Focused on having fun!
- Everyone meeting minimum gear requirements is welcome
- Heavy carrying of raiders
- Casual team composition (play as you will)
Core Raid
- Focused on practicing content and cultivating talent. See Core Raider.
- Core and Progression Raiders only
- Non-progression content
- Opportunity for Core Raiders to gain experience and gear
- Moderate carrying of raiders
- Loosely chosen team composition
Progression Raid
- Must meet and maintain requirements. See Progression Raider.
- Progression Raiders only, with Core Raiders on provisional invitation
- No carrying of raiders
- Tightly chosen team composition
- Focused on serious progression and end-game content.
- Details
- Written by Rick McDonald
- Category: Raiding
- Hits: 12074
Requirements in Brief
Spots on the progression team will only be considered for raiders who meet the following requirements:
- Mechanics
- Master mechanics in a reasonable amount of time
- Role Performance
- Output sufficient HPS/DPS relative to raid
- Survivability
- Maintain high levels of survivability
- Attitude
- Have positive, team-oriented attitude
- Be willing to swap characters or be benched as necessary
- Dedication
- Sign-up and show up on time
- Notify raid leader prior to absence from progression raids
- Time-Spent
- Maintain at least minimum level of progression raid attendance
- Continuous Character Improvement
- Improvement of gear outside of raiding (mythic+, quest-lines, etc.)
- Updating skill rotation/priorities as the game is patched and evolves
Requirements in Detail
These requirements serve the twin purposes of minimizing time wasted and maximizing enjoyable game-play.
The progression team is focused on progression, which means a learning-curve and lot’s of initial raid-wipes, but nobody wants to waste time wiping unnecessarily.
Raid encounters are complex and involve dozens of people in various roles. Each person can be (and often is) individually responsible for causing a wipe, for a multitude of reasons.
Further, different raid compositions (mixtures of classes and specs) also influence the difficulties of the encounters.
An enjoyable progression raiding experience therefore requires a raiding team to be both balanced for the encounter and also filled with raiders who are all capable of overcoming the individual challenges within a reasonable amount of time.
The Requirements
Raiders will only be considered for a role on the progression team if they meet the following requirements.
Failed mechanics are the most common reason for raid wipes. Progression raiders must take it upon themselves to understand and master the pertinent mechanics. This is always a priority over DPS or HPS. Research encounters before and after the raid; prepare personal tactics for overcoming mechanics.
Role Performance
Heals-per-Second (HPS) or Damage-per-Second (DPS) must not be less than a given percent of the rest of the raid. Adjustments for mechanics and personal assignments are always taken into consideration.
Measured by the percentage of the fight a player was alive relative to the rest of the raid. Dying in the first minute while the rest of the raid lasted five minutes is poor survivability. This is usually not the healers’ fault; this is a result of a poor understanding of how to counter mechanics with the class being played.
A positive attitude is necessary for everyone on the team to enjoy their time in the raid. Progression raiders should be calm and patient, as hostility and frustration are infectious.
Further, a team perspective is required. Sometimes a raider may be asked to swap characters or specs, or even step out of the raid to better balance and prepare the team for a particular encounter. This can be frustrating in the short-term, but the team will grow stronger faster as a result and this benefits everyone in the long run.
Finally, progression raiders must be willing to defer to the raid leaders and follow raid calls during raids. As they say, too many cooks spoil the broth. Raid decisions often include factors beyond just the encounter mechanics, and it isn’t feasible or appropriate to waste time hashing these out during an active raid.
The raid leader spends a great deal of background effort maintaining the team and organizing raids. Progression raids in particular require tight organization and progression raiders must sign-up and show up for progression raids. If a raid cannot be attended, the raid leader should be notified prior to the raid whenever possible.
The progression team members must all work well together and rely on each other. This level of interaction comes with time spent together, and also falls apart when too many members are absent too often. Raiders will only be considered progression raiders for as long as they maintain active attendance to progression raids. If a minimum attendance threshold isn’t maintained, the raider will lose progression raider status.
- Details
- Written by Rick McDonald
- Category: Raiding
- Hits: 12462
This article discusses the Committed Raider position and its requirements.
In Brief
- Semi-casual
- Non-progression content
- Gear up in preparation for Progression Team
- Gain experience in preparation for Progression Team
- Raiding spots are provisional
- May be asked to swap specs or characters
- May be asked to step out of the raid for difficult encounters
In Detail
Committed Raider is a raiding position focused on non-progression content. Committed raiders are not held to the same expectations as Progression Raider, but are given the opportunity to join moderate intensity raids for both enjoyment and opportunities for improvement in experience and gear.
The strength of committed raids will vary depending on the attendance of Progression Raiders, and so the ability to carry Committed Raiders will also vary. This may lead to Committed Raiders being asked to either swap specs/characters, or even step out of the raid, to balance the team against the encounter difficulty. Accepting a position as a Committed Raider indicates an understanding and willingness to be flexible.
- Details
- Written by Cloudthao
- Category: Raiding
- Hits: 8037
OTH Raider List Dragon Flight 2023-2024
==> Core Committed Raider list: [Friday (confirm)]
- Tank: Vod + Cloud
- Healers:
--> Sabalon (Shaman) ; Zhudan (Druid) ; Pando (monk) ; Peri (Druid) ; Pandoro (Monk)
- DPS:
--> Thegord <hunter> ; Realmslayer <hunter>; Gannykus <hunter> ; morebash (rouge) ; Selyana (hunter) ; Nadavaka (mage) ; Leetha (hunter) ; Fallwind (Warrior) ; Inkarara (DK) ; Byegirl (DH) ; Mooky (hunter) ; Vorrak (hunter) ; Dora (lock) ; Khadaj (lock) ; Deniro (mage) ; Sky (paladin) ; verdan (sham) ; Gbk (monk) ; Vorrak (Hunter) ; Dora (Lock) ;
==> Progression committed raider: [Wed-Fri (confirm)]
- Healer: Sabalon (Shaman) ; Zhudan (druid) ; Peri (Druid) ; Pando (monk) ;
- DPS: Gannykus <hunter> ; morebash (rouge) ; Nadavaka (mage) ; Leetha (hunter) ; Fallwind (Warrior) ; Inkarara (DK) ; Byegirl (DH) ; Mooky (hunter) ; Vorrak (hunter) ; Dora (lock) ; Deniro (mage) ; Sky (paladin) ; verdan (sham) ; Realmslayer <hunter>;
==> Potentail trial raiders: [Core farm raid Fri (tentative)] & [Open raid fri (confirm)]
OTH Raider List Shadow Land 2020-2022
==> Core Committed Raider list: [Friday (confirm)]
- Tank: Vod + Cloud
- Healers:
--> Sabalon (Shaman) ; Zhudan (Druid) ; Eytherwind (monk) ; Sana (sham-monk) ;
- DPS:
--> Thegord <hunter> ; Realmslayer <hunter-pally>; Elirae <lock> ; Gannykus <hunter> ; Ravalunter (warrior) ; morebash (rouge) ; Selyana (hunter) ; Nadavaka (mage) ; Leetha (druid) ; Graphene (Warrior) ; Inkarara (DK) ; Tollidari (DH) ; Koner (DH) ; Pantium (druid) ; Peri (druid) ; Mooky (hunter) ;
==> Progression committed raider: [Wed-Fri (confirm)]
- Healer: Sabalon (Shaman) ; Zhudan (druid) ; Fiend (priest) ; Sana (sham-monk) ;
- DPS: Realmslayer <hunter-pally> ; Gannykus <hunter> ; Thegord <hunter> ; GBK (lock) ; Dimple (DH) ; Mooky (hunter) ; Inkarara (DK) ; Morebash (rogue) ; Peri (druid) ; Elirae (lock) ;
==> Potentail trial raiders: [Fri (tentative)] & [Sat (confirm)]
Healer: Zuui (sham) ;
DPS: Panta (warrior) ;
FRI casual raiders: [Sat (confirm)]
- Healer:
--> Panda ; Zuui ;
- DPS:
--> Banrath ; Ironwolf ; Undeadleech ; Advantii (monk) ;
==> MIA or On-Break :
Healer: [Descana] ; (Araliana) ; Djuleha ; Goatie ; Olivella ; Brewjiga ; Tidding ; (Raekin) ; Caltrice <priest> ; Sanatore <monk-pally> ; Prillie (Priest-Shammy) ; Pipili (monk) ; Silandris (priest) ; Wuffle (priest) ; Asphidistra (druid) ; Peridotite (n/a) ; Thelam (priest) ; Shali (Multi) ; Byegirl (priest) ;
DPS: ; (Darn) ; (Aquura) ; (Simms) ; Skyrein ; Miyoz ; (Huarong) ; Valdraw ; Boweye ; (Hocrux) ; (Smashy) ; (Pingerz) ; (Abika) ; (Suiphon) ; (Doctordeath) ; Astorz ; Themusic ; Vvangogh ; Cptbarnacles ; Shiftypaws ; Verchiel ; Shibshib ; Facade <hunter> ; Jhye <DK> ; Spinderala <warrior> ; Pyrophoric <DK> ; Clairoo (shaman) ; Valrawth <DK> ; Dillie (Hunter) ; Bucket (DH) ; Severinne <Shaman> ; Ugbanger <paladin> ; Depsbot (druid) ; Plankto (druid) ; Rikarius (druid) ; Whocat (hunter) ; Hegrugg (Warrior) ; Cassee <hunter> ; Raist <Warlock> ; Tahnis (warrior) ; Whizzkidz (mage) ; Sempi (priest) ; Suchfat (monk) ; Ravalunter (rouge) ; Languish <DK) ; Prateasey (monk) ; Miruwen (DK) ; Extrolock (Lock) ; Shariff (warlock) ; Escanor (DH) ; Nayyan (Druid) ; Miaro (hunter) ; Baratheon (Pally) ; Taurenrouge (Monk) ; Demonatai <lock> ; urbe (rouge) ; Morvious (DH) ; Katsudono (mage-rouge) ; Genuro (warrior) ; Maleficar (DH) ; urbe (hunter) ; Prateasey (monk) ; Nayyan-Zetharia (Druid) ; Morvious (DH) ; Demonatai <lock> ; Illinox (DK) ; Zhard (DK) ; Illinox (DK) ; Saaria (sham) ; Itchima (DH) ; Ceko (mage) ; Kimley (warrior) ; Drav (warlock) ; Verdan (druid) ; Pandoro (Monk) ; Languish (DK) ; Frozenleech <hunter> ; Dorakh (lock) ; Vorrak <hunter> ; Hymiofmine <priest> ; Fragglerock <hunter-monk> ;
OTH Raider List BFA 2018-2020
==> Core Committed Raider list: [Thu-Sat (confirm)]
- Tank: Vod + Cloud
- Healers:
--> Cyondor <druid> ; Sabalon (Shaman) ; Shali (priest) ; Peridotite (druid) ; Zhudan (Druid) ;
- DPS:
--> Eystein <DH-Lock> ; Amytiel <mage>; Thegord <hunter> ; Vorrak <rouge> ; Realmslayer <hunter-pally>; Hymiofmine <priest> ; Fragglerock <hunter-monk> ; Elirae <lock> ; Frozenleech <hunter> ; Ironwolf (Hunter) ; Skillzcoil (warlock) ; Valmyr (mage) ; Selyana (hunter) ; Newoahs (priest-DH) ; Dorakh (lock) ; Mattgical (priest) ; Genuro (warrior) ; Maleficar (DH); Katsudono (mage-rouge) ;
==> Progression committed raider: [Wed-Thu (confirm)] & [Sat (optional)]
- Healer: Cyondor <druid> ; Sabalon (Shaman) ; Shali (priest) ; Zhudan (druid) ; Peridotite (druid) ;
- DPS: Eystein <Shaman> ; Amytiel <mage>; Thegord <hunter> ; Vorrak <rouge> ; Realmslayer <hunter> ; Hymiofmine <priest> ; Skillzcoin (warlock) ; Selyana (hunter) ; Granbeau (Monk) ; Frozenleech <hunter> ; Elirae <lock> ; Mattgical (priest) ;
==> Potentail trial raiders: [Thu (tentative)] & [Sat (confirm)]
Healer: Tankerrbell ;
DPS: Voidcare ;
SAT core raiders: [Sat (confirm)]
- Healer:
--> Alannarya ; Panda ;
- DPS:
--> Banrath ; Ironwolf ; Undeadleech ; Ashiver (rouge) ;
==> MIA or On-Break :
Healer: [Descana] ; (Araliana) ; Djuleha ; Goatie ; Olivella ; Brewjiga ; Tidding ; (Raekin) ; Caltrice <priest> ; Sanatore <monk-pally> ; Prillie (Priest-Shammy) ; Pipili (monk) ; Silandris (priest) ; Wuffle (priest) ; Asphidistra (druid) ; Dagdamor (Druid) ;
DPS: ; (Darn) ; (Aquura) ; (Simms) ; Skyrein ; Miyoz ; (Huarong) ; Valdraw ; Andoroth ; Boweye ; (Hocrux) ; (Smashy) ; (Pingerz) ; (Abika) ; (Suiphon) ; (Doctordeath) ; Astorz ; Themusic ; Vvangogh ; Cptbarnacles ; Shiftypaws ; Verchiel ; Shibshib ; Facade <hunter> ; Jhye <DK> ; Spinderala <warrior> ; Pyrophoric <DK> ; Bigsnack <druid> ; Thraxis <warlock> ; Clairoo (shaman) ; Valrawth <DK> ; Dillie (Hunter) ; Bucket (DH) ; Severinne <Shaman> ; Ugbanger <paladin> ; Depsbot (druid) ; Plankto (druid) ; Rikarius (druid) ; Whocat (hunter) ; Hegrugg (Warrior) ; Cassee <hunter> ; Raist <Warlock> ; Tahnis (warrior) ; Whizzkidz (mage) ; Retadin (Pally) ; Sempi (priest) ; Suchfat (monk) ; Ravalunter (rouge) ; Languish <DK) ; Prateasey (monk) ; Miruwen (DK) ; Extrolock (Lock) ; Shariff (warlock) ; Escanor (DH) ; Nayyan (Druid) ; Miaro (hunter) ; Gandrim (druid) ; Baratheon (Pally) ; Taurenrouge (Monk) ; Gannykus <hunter> ; Demonatai <lock> ; urbe (rouge) ; Darandar (DH) ; Morvious (DH) ; Pantium (Pally) ;
OTH Raider List Legion 2016-2018
Committed core Raider List (Heroic)
=> Progression core committed raiders:
- Tank: Vod (DK>paladin>druid>warrior>monk>DH) + Cloud (DK>Druid>paladin>DH>warrior>monk)
- Healers:
--> Cyondor <druid> ; Caltrice <priest> ; Shalicena <monk-priest> ; Prillie (Priest-Shammy) ; Sanatore <monk> ;
- DPS:
--> Languish <warlock> ; Eystein <DH> ; Ugbanger <paladin> ; Exocet <monk> ; Amytiel <mage>; Cookie <Paladin> ; Ganny <Hunter> ; Thegord <hunter> ; Staroxxis <Shaman> ; Elthoris <rouge> ; Vorrak <hunter> ; (Cassee) <hunter> ; (Raist) <Warlock> ; Pyrophoric <DK> ; Realmslayer <hunter> ;
=> Flexible core committed raiders:
Healer: Fragglerock <hunter-monk> ;
DPS: Banrath <Shaman> ; Ironwolf <hunter> ; Thraxis <warlock> ; Bigsnack <druid> ; Driftyingwood <warrior> ; Selyana ; Shavira ; Hymiofmine ; (Raplh) ; Shetan <mage-druid> ;
==> Potential raiders:
DPS: Shibshib <DH> ; Morvious <DK> ;
==> MIA or On-Break :
Healer: [Descana] ; (Araliana) ; August ; Djuleha ; Goatie ; Burgbbeers ; Olivella ; Brewjiga ; Tidding ; Orbik ; (Scarpetta) ; ; (Raekin) ;
DPS: ; (Darn) ; (Aquura) ; (Facade) ; (Simms) ; Skyrein ; Miyoz ; (Huarong) ; Valdraw ; Andoroth ; Boweye ; (Hocrux) ; (Smashy) ; (Pingerz) ; (Abika) ; (Suiphon) ; (Doctordeath) ; Astorz ; Themusic ; Vvangogh ; Cptbarnacles ; Bucketboo ; Shiftypaws ; Powbamkow ; (Verchiel) ; Shibshib <DH> ;
Sat Night Raider List: (Normal-Heroic)
- Tank: Cloud + Vod
- Healers:
Zuui ; Descansa ; Fragglerock ;
- DPS:
Hymiofmine ; Ironwolf ; Emuroi ; Realmlayer ; Morvious ; Desire ;
==> MIA or On-Break
Healer: Tahdy ; Elirae ;
DPS: Dentirn; (Flowolf) ; Whoonfirst ; (Modmage) ; Desire ; Dominatai ; Naalar ; Zedde ;
OTH Raider List WoD 2016
Committed core Raider List (Heroic-Mythic)
- Tank: Vod + Cloud
- Healers:
[Caltrice] ; [Descana] ; Scarpetta ; Cyondor ; Sanatore ; Fungarid ;
- DPS:
(Youwantsome) ; (Ravalunter) ; (Eystein) ; (Huarong) ; (illinox) ; (Flowolf) ; (Naalar) ; (Andoroth) ;
Shavira ; Pyrophoric ; Andrometer ; Simms ; Khooey ; Lastcrusader ; Swanhtet ; Thegord ; Abika ; Hyperactive ; Whoonfirst ; Skyrein ;
=> Core Reserve:
==> Trial:
Healer: Augustin,
DPS: Flashe, Midnitemurda, Lanax.
==> MIA or On-Break :
Healer: Darn ; Beaver ; Goatie ; Araliana ; Tiding ;
DPS: Desire ; Zeddy ; Gypsyrose ; Dekapetator ; Aquura ; Klandar ; Azelott ; Verchiel ; Valrawth ; Dominatai ; Elirae ; Playrinne ; Gannykus ; Araliana ; Jagdpanzer ; Suiphon ; Ashea ; Dentirn ; Dotuntildrop ; (Peridiote) ;
Normal Raider List: (Normal)
- Tank: Cloud + Vod
- Healers:
Tahdy ; Zedde ; Zoya ;
- DPS:
Desire ; whoonfirst ; Spazlord ; Minista ; Dentirn ; Austinkeen ; Fleshstrippa ; Swanhtet ; Beastofwar ; Andoroth ; Thegord ;
==> MIA or On-Break
DPS: Azelott ; Jojop ; Gypsyrose ; Misty ;
Committed Core Raider List: (Progression) (can be change any day)
- Tank: Cloud + Vod
- Healer:
Cyondor ; Descana ; Sana ; Scapetta ;
- DPS:
RDPS: Shavira ; Peridotite ; Simm ; Andrometer ; Youwantsome ; Khooey ;
MDPS: Pyrophoric ;
=> Core Reserve:
DPS: Araliana ;
=> MIA:
Healer: Darn ; Goatie ;
DPS: Dekapetator ; Dentirn ; Valrawth ; Ravalunter ; Dominatai ; Ganny ;
==> MIA or On-Break :
Healer: Darn ; Beaver ; Goatie ; Araliana ;
DPS: Desire ; Zeddy ; Gypsyrose ; Dekapetator ; Aquura ; Klandar ; Azelott ; Verchiel ; Valrawth ; Dominatai ; Elirae ; Playrinne ; Gannykus ; Araliana ; Jagdpanzer ; Suiphon ; Ashea ; Spacex ;
Over The Hill Guild Raids Record
> 2024 The War within
>> Nerub'ar Palace
- N/A Mythic mode
- N/A Fate Heroic mode
- N/A Fate Normal mode
- N/A Heroic mode
- N/A Normal mode
> 2023 Dragon Flight
>> Amirdrassil, The dream's hope
- N/A Mythic mode
- 9/9 Fate Heroic mode
- 9/9 Fate Normal mode
- 9/9 Heroic mode
- 9/9 Normal mode
>> Saberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
- N/A Mythic mode
- 9/9 Fate Heroic mode
- 9/9 Fate Normal mode
- 9/9 Heroic mode
- 9/9 Normal mode
>> Vault of the Incarnates
- 2/8 Mythic mode
- 8/8 Fate Heroic mode
- 8/8 Fate Normal mode
- 8/8 Heroic mode
- 8/8 Normal mode
> 2020 Shadowland
>> Sepulcher of the First Ones
- NA/11 Mythic mode
- 11/11 Heroic mode
- 11/11 Normal mode
>> Sanctum of Domination
- 3/10 Mythic mode
- 10/10 Heroic mode
- 10/10 Normal mode
>> Cattle Nathria
- 2/10 Mythic mode
- 10/10 Heroic mode
- 10/10 Normal mode
> 2018 BFA
>> Ny'alotha, the Waking City
- 6.5/12 Mythic mode
- 12/12 Heroic mode
- 12/12 Normal mode
>> The Eternal Palace
- 8/8 Heroic mode
- 8/8 Normal mode
>> Crucible of Storms
- 2/2 Heroic mode
- 2/2 Normal mode
>> Battle of Dazar'alor
- 1/9 Mythic mode
- 9/9 Heroic mode
- 9/9 Normal mode
>> Uldir
- 1/8 Mythic mode
- 8/8 Heroic mode
- 8/8 Normal mode
> 2016-2017 Legion
>> Antorus The burning Throne
- 11/11 Heroic mode
- 11/11 Normal mode
>> Tomb of Sargeras
- 9/9 Heroic mode
- 9/9 Normal mode
>> The NightHold
- 10/10 Heroic mode
- 10/10 Normal mode
>> Trial of Valor
- 3/3 Heroic mode
- 3/3 Normal mode
>> The Emerald Nightmare:
- 7/7 Mythic mode
- 7/7 Heroic mode
- 7/7 Normal mode
>2015-2016 WOD
>> HellFire Citadel Raid porgress:
- 2/13 Mythic mode
- 13/13 Heroic mode
- 13/13 Normal mode
>> Blackrock Foundry
- 7/7 Heroic mode
- 7/7 Normal mode
>> Highmaul
- 7/7 Heroic mode
- 7/7 Normal mode
>2013-2015 MOP
>> Siege Of Orgrimmar
- 14/14 Flexible mode 25man
- 14/14 Normal (Heroic) mode 25man
- 14/14 Normal (Heroic) mode 10man
- 7/14 Heroic (Mythic) mode 10man
- 7/14 Heroic (Mythic) mode 25man
>> Terrace of Endless Spring
- 4/4 Normal (Heroic) mode 10man
>> Heart of Fear
- 6/6 Normal (Heroic) mode 10man
>> Mogu'shan Vaults
- 6/6 Normal (Heroic) mode 10man
> 2011-2013 Cata
>> Dragon Soul
- 9/9 Normal (Heroic) mode 10man